With the rapid rise of using the Agile Framework in software development over the past few years, more and more people are starting to investigate Agile coaching as a career option. In fact, Indeed.com had Agile coaching listed as one of the top 25 jobs in the United States in 2019. It is safe to assume that it has only gained more traction since then.

It is imperative for aspiring Agile coaches to become familiar with the different Agile coaching models. While some coaches argue that coaching models are counterintuitive to the Agile methodology, that is not necessarily the case. An Agile coaching model loosely guides the coaching session. This prevents diversions and helps both the Agile coach, as well as the trainees, stay on track.

In this article, we discuss different Agile coaching models. Agile coaches can implement these models during their coaching and training sessions.

GROW Coaching Model

The GROW model is one of the most used coaching models that Agile coaches implement. The name GROW is an acronym standing for Goal, Reality, Options, and Wrap-Up. Sir John Whitmore first identified this approach in his book, Coaching for Performance, in 1990.

GROW revolves around the four key aspects of Agile coaching. First and foremost, an Agile coaching or training session must have an end goal. A goal ensures that the organization gets the most out of each Agile coaching session. This, in turn, makes the transition to Agile fruitful and lasting. 

Once an organization has established a goal, the coach then assesses the “reality” of the company’s current state. An unbiased judgment of how much progress an organization will make helps create a simpler resolution.

Next, the Agile coach informs the coaches about the “options” that are available to them. Finally, the session concludes with a summary of the points discussed. The “W” in GROW stands for “will” or “way forward.”

TGROW Coaching Model

Myles Downey, a renowned name in coaching, recognized the need for an additional element in the existing GROW model. This element is “Topic.” Downey explains that ascertaining the general subject matter that an Agile coach wishes to cover in a session is pivotal. This will give the trainees a clear idea of the long-term goal.

OUTCOMES Coaching Model

Allan Mackintosh developed the OUTCOMES coaching model, which, while it bears similarities to the GROW model, is more detailed. OUTCOMES stands for Objectives, Understand, Take Stock, Clarify, Options Generation, Motivation, Enthusiasm and Encouragement, and Support. This model pays much more attention to detail and provides greater structure to the coaching sessions.

Following this model, the Agile coach first establishes a clear idea of what the company is trying to achieve. Once an objective goal is clear, it is important for the employees to “Understand” the reasons behind the objective. Then comes time for “Taking Stock” or assessing the truth about the company’s present situation. The next step is to “clarify” the distance between the present situation and the objective outcome. 

The Agile coach then discusses the “Options” available while “Motivating” the employees to act. “Enthusiasm and Encouragement” and “Support” keep the employees driven, making the conversion to Agile smooth and successful.

Key Facets

There are other Agile coaching models that Agile coaches can implement. The ones this article analyzes are some of the most common and effective ones. The success of your transition to agile rests with accurately analyzing your needs and capabilities before choosing the right coaching model for your organization.   Call Gibson Group for your free Coaching Model Assessment today.